DECA and FBLA host their first Mr. OHS
Mr. DECA Brad Hartmann (12) smiles with his crown.
Showcasing his talent with lip syncing in the talent portion and representing his humble and warming character in the question rounds was how Brad Hartmann, Mr.DECA, walked away with the 2018 Mr. OHS crown on April 13.
“It felt good (to win Mr.OHS),” Hartmann said. “I just tried to make my answers sincere but also incorporate comedy into them to make people laugh. I just tried to answer them truthfully.”
Along with Hartmann, Mikey Guardado (12), Mr. Soccer, was crowned Mr. Popularity and Carson King (12), Mr.Golf, was crowned Mr. Red, White, and Blue.
Over one hundred students and family members gathered in Gym A for the annual Mr.OHS competition. The competition included 19 seniors competing for the titles of Mr. OHS, Mr. Red, White, and Blue, and Mr. Popularity. The judges included teachers Mrs. Christy Mathews and Mrs.Emily Brasher, along with alumnus Ben Redman and retired teacher Mr.Dave Robben.
The boys started with the talent competition showcasing talents like singing, dancing, drumming, and much more. The judges then deliberated and decided the top 10 who would be moving onto the question round.
The top 10 contestants were given a question to showcase their personality and character read by host Curtis Schmidt (10). After listening to the answers, the judges deliberated again to pick the top five to for the last set of questions.
While votes were being tabulated, all 19 contestants had 10 minutes to go around the audience to collect money for the DECA program and for the title Mr. Red, White, and Blue. The boys raised over $1,000 for DECA and FBLA through their donations. DECA and FBLA had the opportunity to host the 18th annual Mr.OHS competition for the first time ever.
“On top of providing an entertaining evening to all observers, DECA and FBLA were also able to support their own members by hosting Mr.OHS this year,” Mrs. Amelia Darby commented. “We were able to to raise money to help alleviate students’ competition costs and fun other club activities.”

Hi there! My name is Rachel Delgado, my friends like to call me Ray, and I am a first year newspaper staffer! You can find me on the courts playing tennis...