Advanced Woods delivers habitats to MOSAIC students
With the help from parent Jessica Moran, MOSIAC students Emerald Murphy, Julie McQuilling, Nylah Rana, Addie Wright, Lia Emo, and Nolan Singler fill the woods projects with fresh soil.
The long awaited habitat projects have been delivered to the first graders at the MOSAIC School of Innovation.
The first projects were completed as far back as late February into early March, with the final few finishing up in April. Students in both the second block and fifth block Advanced Woods classes were paired up, or worked alone, on the habitats they discussed with the first graders during their visit in December.
“I was pleased with the enthusiasm and and construction techniques the Advanced Woods classes put forth on this collaborative project,” said Mr. Matthew Schraut, the Advanced Woods teacher.
On April 20, the final projects were delivered to MOSAIC. The children were ecstatic to finally see their projects as a reality. Each project was special in their own ways, some were designed around the idea of an actual house shape, others were made for a specific animal, such as a squirrel or a bat. There were also flowerbeds and compost bins made, which allowed the first graders to gather various compostable materials.
“The excitement around the installation of the habitats was exciting for the Studio 1 students,” said Mrs. Marilyn Donaldson, one of the Studio 1 teachers at MOSAIC. “The staff have also been enjoying the new habitats; several have mentioned how much fun it is to look out the window and see the habitats being occupied.”
The students and staff at MOSAIC are thankful that the Advanced Woods classes at OHS were able to help bring the projects from being on paper and made from cardboard to being wooden and everlasting. Mrs. Donaldson said that the students and staff at MOSAIC “cannot wait to find ways to partner in the future.”

My name is Kyle Genthon and this is my first year doing journalism. When writing about anything for an assignment, I’m extremely wordy and love to draw...