Winter formal results
Eddie Morgan (11) and Emily Turner (10) receiving the winter formal king and queen.
The second annual Sadie Hawkins Winter Formal dance took place on Saturday, Jan. 26 with the King and Queen determined in a different way.
“If you receive the most likes of your proposal picture on Instagram with the hashtag #ohswinterformal19, you win,” said senior class vice-president Maxine Taylor.
With the most likes on their Instagram photo, Eddie Morgan (11) and Emily Turner (10) received their crowns.
“I was excited to win because it was a good experience to run for it,” said Turner. “I didn’t expect it because there were good chances for other people to win so it was fair game.“

Hi friends! My name is Bethany Hagan and I am a senior at Oakville High School. This is my second year in Newspaper, I am the Design Editor-In-Chief for...