Spanish Trip Rescheduled for June 2022
Sra. King and Sra. Nitz hold the St. Louis sign together in Peru.
During the summer of 2021, 30 OHS students were scheduled to travel to Ecuador for the Spanish trip. But, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the trip has been postponed to June 2022.
“Because of COVID and the vaccination rate still being so uncertain, it just didn’t seem safe,” said Spanish teacher and chaperone Sra. Brianna Nitz. “Myself, my chaperones, and many students and their parents weren’t comfortable traveling internationally this summer, even with the vaccine starting to roll out.”
Fortunately, most of the students have kept their spot on the trip.
“I am beyond happy I am able to attend the rescheduled trip because I was starting to get so excited about it earlier in the year and started counting down the months!” said Meredith Butchart (10).
Since the seniors who had been planning on traveling to Ecuador will be graduating before the rescheduled trip, they were given the option to transfer their spot to another student or cancel their spot and get a refund.
“I’m disappointed I can’t go for sure, but I know that restricted travel is for the best in this crazy world we’re in right now,” said one of the seniors, Simon Jonak.
The initial plan for the summer was for students to explore different parts of Ecuador, including the equator, Ecuador’s capital city Quito, and local markets. They also planned to snorkel at various islands, and visit wildlife reserves and volcanoes. Luckily, these events are still planned to happen for the rescheduled trip.
Although the teachers and students are excited for the tourist attractions, they are sad to hear that they won’t be able to participate in the service project part of the trip. Even after the delay, the service organization they were supposed to go through was hit hard by the pandemic, so serving poor communities in Ecuador is no longer possible.
“It’s sad, because in Peru that was many students’ favorite part of the trip, and it was such a joy for Sra. King and I to see our students serve the small Peruvian school so selflessly,” said Nitz.
Even with all the changes that have been made, students should still be looking forward to the many unforgettable experiences that will take place on the rescheduled trip.
“My trip to Peru truly was life changing and created a deeper passion for traveling as well as pushed me out of my comfort zone,” said Katie Leeker (12), who attended the previous trip, “I recommend every student takes the time to travel during their time in high school and beyond — It is so worth it!”

Hey! I'm Olivia Wolff and I am a senior at OHS. I did Yearbook last year and just started Journalism this year. I played tennis at Oakville all four years...