Make A Splash
Junior water polo player continues to look forward to playing sport in future

Mallory Guentz (11) poses for a photo with the state trophy at the 2022 State Water Polo Championship. “We did amazing,” Guentz said. “We all worked so hard.” The team won against Marquette, the team which they lost to at last year’s state competition.
Mallory Guentz (11) has been involved with OHS water polo for the last three years, and she plans to continue playing during her senior year. This year, the team was undefeated.
“After losing last year, we had a fire burning that we were not gonna repeat and that we would win,” Guentz said, “so being undefeated was so rewarding for all the work that we had been put in.”
Guentz has been swimming on a team since she was 6 years old, which would begin her career of swimming full time for the OHS water polo team. Throughout that time, she has learned much with regard to the sport and herself.
“I have developed life skills such as goal setting, time management, communication and teamwork,” Guentz said.
Guentz is unsure if she wants to continue her water polo career into college, but she loves the memories she’s made along the way and cannot wait to see what senior year brings.
“I would not change a single thing about water polo,” Guentz said.