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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Liam Kelly (9) draws an oil pastel cityscape with lots of intricate details. “It's really nice. I’m pretty proud,” Kelly said. This is Kelly’s favorite piece out of the many he has created.

Now That’s What I Call Art

Parker Wyatt, JI Reporter December 19, 2022

Imagine returning home after a long school day and deciding to just unwind and start drawing. Well this is a reality for many students including Liam Kelly (9). “Ever since I was very little,...

Immersed In Gaming

Tyson Foder, J1 Reporter April 29, 2022

After a long day at OHS, sophomore Beckett Wagener unloads stress by sitting in his desk chair, going on his computer and playing video games. Wagener has been playing video games for about eight years,...

Alex Weibel (11) poses for a photo cosplaying as Shoto Todoroki from "My Hero Academia." “It’s kind of nice…” Weibel said. Weibel has been cosplaying since their freshman year.

To Be Or Not To Be

Jesse Blagg, J1 Reporter April 27, 2022

Imagine being anyone, everyone, possible. If taking on the person of a new character or using a pre-existing one sounds interesting, cosplaying is for you. Junior Alex Weibel is a cosplayer who enjoys...

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