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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


OHS throws Celebration Day for students

Shelby Hicks, reporter November 18, 2015

On Nov. 24, Positive- Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS)  and Character Ed are hosting a celebration day for students during ANP. Due to last year’s positive reception by teachers and students,...

A leadership mentor watches two freshman participate in the toothpaste activity.

Leadership shows freshmen that words have teeth

Emily Dedic, centerspread editor October 1, 2015

The OHS Leadership classes used an unusual method to show the freshmen that once they put something on social media, it is hard to take back. During the students’ ANP class on Sept. 9, the freshmen...

Clothes for a Cause

Shannon Stegmann, Reporter December 2, 2013

Matt Willett, Jennifer Gross, and Leah Black started a new program around Oakville that not many people know about. It has not been opened to students yet, only faculty. They are collecting gently used...

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Jennifer Gross