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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Junior Travis Norris (far right) poses for a picture with other participants at the Harvard's Debate Council summer workshop. Norris thought this would be a good workshop to attend as he has interest in becoming a lawyer in his future. “I wanted to see if this was something I really wanted to get into,” Norris said, "before I dove everything into it."

Summer at Harvard

Deirdre Davis, Reporter October 19, 2022

Travis Norris (11) spent his summer preparing for his future career by attending Harvard’s Debate Council summer workshop. “They get doctors and experts in the field. They come in there and they...

Top Summer Trends

Courtney Kluge , features editor May 21, 2013

Swimsuits are not the only piece of clothing trending in the fashion industry this summer. In between all the tanning, swimming, and hanging by the pool, the Prowl is here to update you on all the current...

Summer 101 for the common high school student

Summer 101 for the common high school student

Courtney Kluge , Features editor • May 20, 2013

As high school students, it is always hard for us to come by money. With summer coming around the corner and the days of freedom finally here, wanting to have adventure and fun, how are our wallets supposed...

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