STUCO sweetens finals cramming

Tiger Paw Yearbook

Ms. Samantha Bhambri assists a math student at Cookies, Cocoa, and Cramming on Dec. 15 2015.

The past three years Student Council (STUCO) has been holding an event called Cookies, Cocoa, and Cramming for students to relax with their friends, while studying for finals.

This year STUCO will host this event again on Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 2:30-4p.m. in the cafeteria.

“I think that most students use it as a way to relax with their friends while studying for finals,” STUCO representative, Mrs. Kelli Roberts said. “They also have a chance to ask teachers questions.”

STUCO members will bring in hot chocolate and fun holiday-themed treats for students to enjoy while they prepare for “stressful” finals, Roberts said. There will also be teachers from each department there to help students with any questions.

According to Roberts, OHS students enjoy the event and it usually has a turnout of over 100-150 students.

“Everybody should come out to Cookies, Cocoa, and Cramming because it’s really just a great opportunity to get help from your teachers,” Student Body President, Taylor Zapf (12) said. ”It doesn’t cost anything and you can get free cookies and cocoa.”