OHS turns back time to celebrate homecoming
Hockey cheerleaders Chloe and Cameron West (12) hand out candy during the homecoming parade. Hockey won the All-Around Best Float award.
With OHS in its 50th year of existence, the school celebrated homecoming recently with a fitting theme of “Through the Decades.”
OHS wrapped up spirit week and prepared for the big game on Friday (Oct. 18) with a pep assembly during ANP. It featured performances from the Oakville Golden Girls, cheer, and Tiger Twirlers, a dance battle between soccer coaches, games, and the presentation of the 2019 homecoming court.
After school Friday was the homecoming parade. The parade featured floats from Oakville’s many clubs and sports teams, decorated to the theme. Included was a “Futuristic” float from varsity cheer, a 70’s float from tennis, and an 80’s workout float from Student Council.
“It’s really fun to be with your friends and hand out candy,” said varsity cheerleader Vicky Riordan (11).
The winners of the best floats were announced at the homecoming game that night. Journalism won most original, girls volleyball most spirited, and girls tennis most creative. Technology Students Association won best theme, and the all-around best float award went to hockey.
The theme of the homecoming football game was also “Decades.” The halftime performances included the usual performances from the Golden Girls, cheer, and Tiger Twirlers.
The tigers suffered a tough loss against Northwest; the final score was 21-13. However, the students still enjoyed the whole week.
Saturday was the big night, when students crowded the gym to find out the winners of homecoming king and queen. The title of homecoming king went to Brian Horton, and Alexis Williams was crowned homecoming queen.
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Hi! I’m Lydia Manning, I’m a senior, and I’m the managing editor/copyeditor for the newspaper this year. After high school, I hope to major in sports...