The season for OHS baseball players is supposed to start on March 15, against Vianney. Unfortunately the field is in no condition to play on. After the snowstorm and precipitation, the field is soaked.
On top of potentially missing games, there has not been a chance to have a true tryout. Athletes wishing to try out for baseball have had to tryout indoors for the first week, and now that they have had a few outdoors practices, the team has only been able to practice in the outfield.
“We cannot throw real baseballs inside,” Lance Gentry(12), an infielder, said. “And we cannot work on the infield.”
Although OHS does have a tarp for the infield, it was not pulled to cover the field. Now that the field is wet, the tarp cannot be pulled. The fields must be relatively dry for the tarp to be pulled, but the fields were relatively dry before the snowstorm and the tarp had not been pulled. If the weather is not sunny and warm over the next week, the field may not be playable.
“It is like pudding on the field right now,” Coach Rich Sturm said. “If it rains at all between today (March 6) and next Friday, there is no way that we will play here.”
There is a chance that they could play their first game at Vianney, who has a grass infield.
The baseball God’s will have to be looking out for OHS in the next weeks in order to play here.