NHS surprises students with Easter eggs during ANP
Lilly Mathews (10) in Mrs. Daughaday’s ANP shows off her egg she received from NHS.
Although Easter celebrations may still be on hold this year, the OHS National Honors Society has found another way to spread the Spring spirit. On Wednesday, April 7, NHS members passed out Easter eggs filled with candy and fun notes which were given to students during ANP.
NHS members put together around 1,250 candy-filled eggs and passed them out to ANP teachers on Wednesday morning. Then, the students were given the eggs during ANP.
“I wasn’t expecting to get candy at all,” said Gabriel Boll (12). “But it was a nice pick-me-up for the beginning of the week.”
Sophie Kettenbrink, a senior NHS officer coordinated the surprise for OHS students.
“We wanted to encourage kids for the home stretch of school after a long weekend with some candy and punny notes,” Kettenbrink explained.
The purpose of the project was to boost morale at OHS with the festive candy and encouraging notes, and this outcome was clearly achieved in students and teachers alike.
“All the kids in my ANP were excited about the candy,” said Kettenbrink. “And some teachers even hid the eggs had fun with watching their students look for them.”
Although the mission was simple, it was still difficult for NHS to put together so many eggs. Kettenbrink expressed that this was the biggest challenge of the project.
“We originally had a cap at 36 eggs per NHS member,” explained Kettenbrink. “but had to double that number because of the large number of eggs that we needed.”
Despite this challenge, the event went very well according to many students and NHS members. Isabella Wirthlin, a senior NHS officer, expressed her satisfaction with the outcome.
“I think it went great,” said Wirthlin. “Overall, it was just a small token to show our school appreciation for all of their hard work throughout this very difficult year.”

My name is Emma Borage and I'm a senior this year. This is my first year in the journalism program, and I'm also involved in cheerleading, NHS, and the...

What’s up! My name is Jack Butchart and I am a senior here at OHS. I am a member of the journalism and broadcast team, as well as a yearbook editor....