FCCLA students fundraise for CHADS Coalition
Aman Lueker and Eve Talarski present a check for $315 to Mrs. Marian McCord of CHADS Coalition for Mental Health. Aman and Eve organized a 5K virtual walk/run to raise money for CHADS Coalition. The presentation of the check was made on March 15.
With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting the lives of students and teachers, most would agree that mental health is an extremely important topic at hand, especially during the winter months. Eve Talarski (12) and Aman Lueker (10) clearly realized this.
The pair of FCCLA students, with the help of foods teacher Jamie Daughaday, coordinated the “Love Your Inner Glow” virtual walk/run in order to spread awareness for mental health and benefit the CHADS Coalition for Mental Health, a non-profit organization that aims to save lives with suicide awareness and prevention.
The virtual walk took place between Feb. 8-14. After signing up for the walk, participants could walk at anytime, anywhere, and were encouraged to post photos of their walk to social media wearing neon clothing with the hashtag #OHSGLOW in order to spread awareness.
“We felt that just putting information out around the school isn’t enough,” explained Talarski.
In total, the event raised $315, and all proceeds from the event were donated to the CHADS Coalition for Mental Health.
“We’re really glad that we met our $300 goal even with the complications from COVID,” said Lueker.
The FCCLA students specifically chose CHADS for their fundraising because it is local and has a connection to Oakville. The CHADS Coalition began in 2005 due to the loss of an Oakville student named Chad McCord. In 2004, McCord was 18 years old when he unfortunately took his own life. In turn, his family created CHADS, or Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide, in order to prevent what had happened to Chad.
Talarski and Lueker supported CHADS for the same reason — to prevent mental health issues among Oakville students. They stated that the inspiration to begin this project stemmed from their passion for mental health.
“We wanted to do something to raise awareness and help adolescents in the community,” said Talarski.
Due to the students’ efforts, FCCLA was able to spread awareness for mental health and support the CHADS Coalition in their mission to prevent adolescent suicide. They delivered the $315 check to Mrs. Marian McCord of the organization on Monday, March 15.

My name is Emma Borage and I'm a senior this year. This is my first year in the journalism program, and I'm also involved in cheerleading, NHS, and the...