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Monday, March 31, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Mungle practices a stunt with the cheerleading team while the bases work together to keep the flyers in the air. “I’m excited because I’ve never done it (competed) before,” Mungle said. Even with the stress of staying flexible and working harder, Mungle looks forward to competing for the new experience.

Back to the Battle

Madi Paluczak, Reporter December 17, 2024

After a decade-long hiatus, the Oakville varsity cheer team is gearing up for their first competition season in about 10 years. With new leadership and fresh routines, the team will make their comeback...

The Golden Girls and Cheer teams perform at different events.“We have a really great team with great captains,” Grace hickman (12) said, “so I know it’ll be organized. They've really helped us the entire season.” Both teams needed to find new coaches at the end of their fall seasons.
Photos by Alyssa Johnston

Incoming Coaches

Sawyer Bess, Reporter November 29, 2023

Coming into the winter sports season, two of Oakville's spirit teams had to find new coaches after situations arose with each. The Golden Girls have found and been working with their new coach for the...

Taylor Beranek (12), Katie Townsend (10), Camryn Doerr (9), Austyn Schnur (11) and Emily Pizzella (12) take a selfie after a successful “kidnapping.” “It's a great memory to have,” Beranek said, “and it helps with team bonding.” After the selfie was taken, the girls met with the team and had Panera and Starbucks for breakfast.

Sneaky Seniors

Maddy Geisler, Design Editor-In-Chief September 8, 2023

As the only sports who participate in “freshman kidnapping,” the cheerleaders and Golden Girls make sure to fully embrace their valued tradition. “The tradition has always been the seniors ‘kidnap’...

Jillian Woods (11) and Alexa Hallsten (11) cheer at a football game. “I have been working on my tumbling a lot… so I have better standing tumbling this year,” Hallsten said. As one of the team members who is able to do tumbling, Hallsten achieved a standing back tuck.

Tumbling Tigers

Maddy Geisler, Design Editor-In-Chief March 28, 2023

With OHS cheerleading tryouts rapidly approaching April 3-6, returning team members are preparing to perform their best. This year, tryouts are broken down into different skill categories and for each...

Taylor Adams (9) cheers with her team at Oakville High School. "I was excited and really wanted to join cheer,” Adams said. Adams is also a base, which means she lifts girls during their routine.

Showing School Spirit

Hannah Essner, Ji Reporter December 24, 2022

Imagine holding your pom poms in front of a cheering crowd as you and your cheermates pep up the team, or imagine what it's like holding girls up high while they flip into your arms as the crowd goes wild....

Drew Murphy (11) hypes up the cheer team at the Homecoming football game Sept. 30. “...The hype circles like we see on the intro, me dancing with them and doing everything like that, I think that really gets them elevated and just excited to be out there and do what they love,” Murphy said. The team cheers at a soccer or football game every Friday.

First in Fourteen

Maddy Geisler, Design Editor-In-Chief September 30, 2022

The 2023 school year brought multiple changes for the cheer team, one of which was Drew Murphy, the only male cheerleader the OHS team has had since 2008.  “I’m always here to hype up people,”...

Seniors Vicky Riordan  and Emma Lutker cheer for the football team on their senior night.

Cheerleaders land on their feet after restrictions lifted

Emma Borage, reporter November 9, 2020

After persevering through social distancing restrictions, OHS cheerleaders are now wrapping up their fall season, despite it being an odd one. However, according to Varsity Cheer coach Rebecca Bruning,...

Melina Rivera (11), Jordan Hahn (10), Kaitlyn Clark (11), Mallory Guentz (9), and Jenna Mueller (9) pose for a picture.

Cheer ‘warms up’ in Orlando

Jack Butchart, reporter January 22, 2020

OHS Cheerleaders spent some of their winter break with a trip to Florida, warm weather, and a college football game.  Five cheerleaders traveled to Orlando, Florida to perform a pre-game routine...

OHS cheerleaders and the SOMO Shine cheer team take a picture together to remember the day.

Cheer ‘flips out’ for SOMO

Jack Butchart, reporter December 5, 2019

OHS cheerleaders help sponsor many different camps throughout the season, but Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO) Shine cheerleading practices hold a special place in many cheerleader’s hearts.  The...

Cheerleaders performing at an OHS football game.

Cheerleaders cheer for St. Louis Cardinals

Kathleen Seithel, Reporter October 2, 2018

Filled with new faces, Oakville’s varsity cheerleaders have started the season with their annual fundraising efforts. For the fourth year in a row, the cheerleaders were given the chance to perform...

Varsity cheer wins MCDA competition

Sarah Simmons, reporter March 6, 2017

Oakville High School varsity cheer performed their competition routine for the Missouri Game Spirit Classic hosted by Midwest Cheer and Dance Association (MCDA) in Springfield, Missouri. The cheer squad...

Hard work pays off, hockey cheer places second in competition

Emily Schneringer, reporter March 5, 2017

Oakville Hockey cheerleaders wrap up their season by performing in a competition at Lindbergh High School on Feb. 26. The cheerleaders have been preparing for this competition since November, practicing...

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