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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Golf Review: the end to a successful season

David Fernandez, Reporter May 18, 2011

The boy’s golf team ends its rebuilding year with a final match play record of 5-5. With only losing one player, the team looks to have a bright future.  “We have a great base for next year,”...

Chaseblue wins Battle of the Bands again

Chaseblue wins Battle of the Bands again

Haley Boeschen, Reporter January 21, 2011

For the second year in a row, Chaseblue was named winner of the annual OHS Battle of the Bands on Jan 19. The band took home an Applebees gift card along with the satisfaction of coming out on top once...

Bowling team strives for another strong year

David Fernandez, Reporter October 4, 2010

Although the bowling team is off to a slow start, they’re looking to have another promising year with several key returning players. “It’s early, but my team still won 26 out of 35 points,”...

Tiger fever rolls out welcome mat

David Fernandez, Reporter September 23, 2010

Throughout the year, two Tiger Fever students will be going to freshman ANPs once a week to help them get acclimated to their new school. “This year we have enough seniors to assign two seniors to...

David Fernandez - Reporter

David Fernandez – Reporter

May 24, 2010

Class of 2011 Bio: Hey, I’m David Fernandez.  I love music, and I’ve been playing bass for about seven years.  I’m starting up a Youtube channel, called STL Sessions, where I get a random group...

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David Fernandez