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Saturday, March 15, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Understanding Law visits courthouse

Sydney Stern, news editor April 15, 2016

The OHS Understanding Law class took a field trip with Mrs. Katie Kasper, the Understanding Law teacher, on April 8 that gave them a new perspective on how the court systems function. After reviewing...

Working with new policies

Lauren Gianino, Reporter October 28, 2013

A different field trip policy has been put into place recently for the Mehlville School District due to budget cuts and numerous budget circumstances. Towards the end of last year, Mrs. Kellerman received...

Parenting II classes take a field trip

Rachel Koenen, Reporter February 10, 2011

On Jan. 25 and 26, Parenting II students went on a field trip to three different preschools. The students went to The Goddard School, John Carey and St. Lucas. At each preschool, the students were divided...

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field trip