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Friday, March 14, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Got Snacks?

Devin Jost, Reporter September 1, 2014

Sugar. Fat. Calories. Students at OHS  won’t be seeing much of them since the new food guidelines for schools went into effect over the summer by Michelle Obama to fight obesity. The food regulations...

Santa gets a little extra help from DECA this year

Jess Roderick, Reporter December 20, 2013

Throughout the month of December, personalized letters from “Santa” are being made by DECA members for children around the Oakville community for just $7. The letters from santa idea was presented...

Whoey is Shuey

Adam Schafer, Reporter November 7, 2013

Mrs. Jana Shuey, a new face around OHS, has been involved with DECA for 6 years. 5 years were spent teaching in Nebraska and her 6th year spent here. While in Nebraska Shuey was extremely involved with...

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Jana Shuey