Marvel’s blockbuster “The Avengers” hit theaters last Friday, kicking off another summer of superhero movies. The film has already brought in over $200 million dollars, smashing records. The success is no surprise, as the quality of the film is fantastic.
“The Avengers” is the first movie of its kind; it features four heroes that already have hits under their belts (Captain America, the Hulk, Ironman and Thor), while introducing new heroes (Black Widow and Hawkeye).The team is assembled to bring down Thor’s brother, Loki, who is threatening to invade Earth and take over. The action sequences of the film are superior, and start off from the very beginning. They give the impression that the film will be intensely gory, but it is quite the opposite, as most fights involve machine like alien creatures that do not really bleed. Although there is a lot of action in the film and a serious tone, there is still a lot of humor worked into the film, easing some of the intensity.
A major part of this movie was the chemistry of the heroes, and actors, and how they worked together. The cast did an incredible job, and watching how the team worked together was thrilling. Better choices could not have been made when the film was cast, especially when it comes to Dr. Bruce Banner/the Hulk. Mark Ruffalo is the third actor to portray the Hulk on the big screen in the past ten years. Ruffalo finally brought depth to the character, and stole quite a few scenes, particularly some of the action scenes.
Like every other movie that is part of a series, it helps to have seen all the previous movies. This helps the audience to piece things together better as well as figure out what else is going to happen. However, it is still possible to understand the movie without seeing the other movies. There are flashbacks and details included in the movie to put together the missing pieces for those that may have missed a movie or two.
“The Avengers” is arguably one of the best superhero movies ever made; it has a quality storyline, was left open-ended for possible sequels and has stunning visual effects. The combination of all of the heroes creates a tale of dominance in the classic good versus evil battle.