Ensemble Expansion

The Oakville Band Program has seen many changes to it in the past few years. The Honor Band has separated into two smaller bands Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band.
These groups were created from the larger band because it became too large to have all the musicians in the band room.
This year the band directors decided to create two more groups that will perform after school.
These group consist only of students that play those specific instruments (clarinet choir only has clarinets and brass choir only has brass instruments i.e.trumpets, tubas, trombones).
“I felt that many students could improve their skills, but they would not do the work by themselves,” Band Director Vance Brakefield explained, “ these instrument choirs help us give individualized attention to the students who joined.”
These groups will be preparing pieces of music to perform in the Solo and Ensemble contest in March next semester.

Class of 2014
Bio: Hi I’m Maddie Foster! I love fashion, shopping, music, my dog Summer and hanging out with my friends, especially eating ice cream...