Trick or Treat Tuesday
Oakville NHS, National Honor Society, put on the second annual Trick or Treat Tuesday. Kids of all ages arrived in the OHS commons on Tuesday Oct. 28 to fill up their bags full of Halloween candy. Beautiful princesses and tough superheros toured around our spookily decorated commons in costumes to play mini games, tell jokes, and collect handfuls of candy.
About 10 to 12 clubs participated in this event and roughly 250 to 300 people came. According to NHS president Leah Meissner (12), “it was at least double than last year.”
NHS sent out flyers to five elementary schools in the Mehlville School District to get this kind of turnout.
This is only the second year for Trick or Treat Tuesday. NHS decided to start this because “It is a way to reach out to the elementary schools and get them involved in the community and school and have an event for the high schoolers to reach down to the younger kids and have something for them to do,” says Meissner.
NHS will be continuing this new tradition next year.

¡Hola! I am Sophie Seim. I am a senior this year at OHS and this is my second and half year in the journalism program. I spend most of my time playing...