Musical Acting Life
Student shares struggles of balancing two extracurricular activities in high school
Photo Submitted By Kelley Akers
Kelley Akers (10) gets ready to act on stage with friends. “My favorite thing about band and theater is friends,” Akers said. Akers has loved theater for as long as she can remember.
A lot of people in high school struggle with balancing the responsibilities of both sports and extracurricular activities. Well, that’s the case for Kelley Akers (10) with balancing both band and theater.
“Time management is definitely one of the biggest challenges about balancing band and theater,” Akers said. “There’s a lot of times where I have both band and theater so I have to combine both of them.”
Even though she does have issues between the two, that does not stop Akers from enjoying the time in band and theater.
“My favorite thing about band and theater is friends,” Akers said. “Both of them you can make long-lasting friends and that’s the best part.”
While Akers does enjoy theatre and band, she does have a favorite.
“If I had to choose between the two, I would probably quit band,” Akers said. “But also it’s really hard to choose between your band friends and your theater friends.”
Although Akers may have a favorite, that doesn’t mean she is worse at one of the activities than the other.
“I feel like I am equally good at both of them,” Akers said.
While she may be good at them, the band and theater still have their challenges that Akers has to overcome.
“I have definitely learned to balance my homework,” Akers said. “Sometimes the band is just a Wednesday night rehearsal or it’s a Friday night football game, but you still want to get your work done so you aren’t staying up until midnight doing all of your homework.”
Though there may be challenges for her to face, Akers still loves band and theater.
“I feel like my passions for both of them have grown,” Akers said.
Even while she has great passions for them and it can be difficult, there are some ways to help the struggles of being in band and theater.
“If I would give advice to someone in the same situation as me, I would say make sure to balance both of them and do your work,” Akers said, “but also enjoy them.”