Lights off, Spotlight on
OHS celebrates Homecoming this past week
Students laugh on the way to the dance floor at Homecoming on Oct. 1. “The best part of the night— just dancing with all my friends,” Mason Meinershagen (12) said. Meinershagen also enjoyed Homecoming as an event that gets the whole school involved in the fun.
OHS held its annual Homecoming on Oct. 1 for the 2023 school year and there were notable differences from last year’s.
“I liked that there was a room that did not have lights on,” Heidi Niedermann (11) said. “Last year that was kind of a buzz kill and no one would dance.”
Multiple students agreed that having the dance room darker was an improvement to last year.
“It was way more fun than last year,” Aman Lueker (12) said. “I think last year was really dumbed down because we had the lights on, but it (this year’s Homecoming) was really organized.”
Lueker had a great time with friends and the improved setup of the event, but also during the Homecoming coronation.
“Winning Homecoming was pretty fun,” Lueker said. “I had a great time.”
Lueker enjoyed winning while the student body enjoyed his reaction to being crowned Homecoming royalty.
“He did a victory strut around the commons after. It was very funny,” Niedermann said.
Leading up to winning the Homecoming crown, Lueker had a disorderly week getting ready.
“Plans were chaotic—the whole week was,” Lueker said. “I tried to set up a plan early in the week…I was running around like a headless chicken.”
Lueker wasn’t the only Homecoming attendee that had hectic plans before the school dance.
“Beforehand we (Heidi Niedermann, Lueker and Bonnie Niedermann) took pictures and that was a lot because there were so many people at the flower wall (at PlantHaven),” Niedermann said. “It was kinda overwhelming.”
Despite the schedule for September being overwhelming, both students had a wonderful time with their friends.
“I loved winning it (Homecoming court) with my partner Mason,” Lueker said. “She’s a good friend of mine. I’m just glad we got to celebrate that fun moment together.”
Mason Meinershagen (12) also enjoyed spending the special moment with Lueker on Homecoming court and was excited for Lueker to win, only to then hear her name called.
“It was probably one of the coolest moments of my high school experience, getting crowned,” Meinershagen said. “That was pretty cool, ya know, that people voted for me.”
The idea of people voting for Meinershagen to win the court was the icing on the cake for her on top of having been nominated.
“I was just happy to be on the court…,” Meinershagen said. “I counted it as a win just being able to experience that…Win or lose, I was happy with the result.”

Hey there! I'm Maddy, and I'm a senior at Oakville High School. I'm the Design Editor-in-Chief of both the school's Tiger Paw yearbook and The Prowl newspaper....