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Sunday, March 16, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Pouring lemonade, Victoria Ratcliff (12) and Matt Argent (12) help run their lemonade stand making $60 in profit.

Lemonade Stand Project

Sammie Phillips, ad director December 5, 2016

Marketing Topics held their annual project, The Lemonade Stand, on Dec 1 and 2. This project is all about unit scale, the steps of sale, and to incorporate what the student shave learned throughout the...

When Life Gives You Lemons

Shaylisa Crawford, Reporter October 23, 2014

An ice cold lemonade awaited all who was passed by the marketing class. They were selling lemonade to see who would have the best marketing skills. Mrs.Amy Clark’s marketing class had a competition...

Business Department does real world project

Business Department does real world project

Courtney Kluge, Features Editor December 6, 2012

Marketing classes will be learning how to run a business first hand this week. The classes will be putting on a Lemonade Sell Off in the commons during 5th block on Friday, Dec. 7. COE and Marketing teachers...

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