Tumati and Gleiforst receive academic recognition
Thomas Gleiforst (12) and Preethi Tumati (12) pose with their certificates in the library on Sept. 29.
Preethi Tumati (12) and Thomas Gleiforst (12) were recognized during ANP (Academic Networking Period) in the OHS library on Sept. 29 for their prestigious awards and accomplishments.
Tumati was awarded the 2017 STARS (Students and Teachers As Research Scientists) Award for Excellence in Research. Kenneth Mares, Director of the STARS Program, personally attended to recognize Tumati for her accomplishments.
“Never in my time at OHS have I seen one of my students receive this award,” OHS Principal Jan Kellerman said.
In addition to Tumati’s accomplishments, Gleiforst received The National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists Award of Excellence award. Gleiforst represented OHS and the State of Missouri at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders in Boston, MA.
“It is nice to be recognized for academic based accomplishments,” Gleiforst said. “People in sports get shout outs every week, but rarely do we get shout outs for merit based things.”
Tumati and Gleiforst were also both recognized by Kellerman and given certificates for their National Merit Scholarship Commendation.

Hi, I’m Mckenzie Knapp and at senior at OHS and I’m this year's newspaper editor in chief, journalism social media director, assistant yearbook editor,...