FCCLA cooks up changes
Megan Blanchard (10) prepares toppings for baked potatoes for the first Tiger Takeout on Oct. 4.
With 32 members, FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) is larger than ever. With the new size comes new changes for the Family and Consumer Science Club.
“We’re changing everything this year,” says FCCLA sponsor Ms. Jaime Daughaday. “We are definitely learning as we grow.”
One big change is the Tiger Takeout program, a new fundraiser introduced this year by new sponsor and cooking teacher Ms. Kristen Giordano. Teachers will be able to order food from FCCLA and have it delivered to them.
FCCLA members will make time before and after school to prepare the food. The new program will give members an opportunity to earn service hours.
Along with Tiger Takeout, a new culinary program is being added thanks to Giordano.
“We’re wanting to really hit the ground running this year, and I’m hoping that in time, [Tiger Takeout] becomes an integral part of the week,” Giordano says.
Members of FCCLA also travel to competitions, where they can compete in over 50 different categories, including fashion construction, entrepreneurship, and interior design. A culinary program will be added to the competition options this year.
“I really like the friendships I’ve made,” says fashion construction student Megan Blanchard (10). “FCCLA helps me to express my creativity and work on my leadership skills.”

Hi! I’m Lydia Manning, I’m a senior, and I’m the managing editor/copyeditor for the newspaper this year. After high school, I hope to major in sports...