Students on the GO!
Running a half marathon, Magalie Thauvette (12) shows how her training pays off.
Over 25,000 people participated in the Go St. Louis marathon over the weekend (April 9), and 27 were OHS students. Students On the Go is a program for high school students to train for a half marathon and interact with other high schoolers from around Missouri.
This is the third year Oakville has participated in this program. Training for the marathon begins in November. The students follow a set schedule and run three times a week. Beginning in January, students do an additional run on Saturdays at Forest Park with the rest of the student participants in Missouri.
Coach Bill Ebert and Coach Laura Bishop led the students to success. Both teachers help the students learn to challenge themselves in a healthy way.
“The students worked hard through the training, and the dedication paid off. Everyone finished and accomplished their individual goals,” Ebert said.
Many students made outstanding results: Magalie Thauvette (12) finished 12th for girls 19 and under, and Matt Pinner (11) finished fifth place for boys 19 and under.
While some strive to make a great time, others challenge themselves to just completed the race.
“I ran the half marathon to push myself and to accomplish something really challenging,” Shelby Hicks (12) said.
A change from the past three years was the route. This year the run was held downtown by the Arch.
“The new route was a hit also, finishing at The Arch was cool,” Ebert said.
The Students on the Go program is a great way for students to learn to put their energy into something healthy and positive.

My name is McCall Phillips and I am a senior at OHS. This is my 3rd year playing on the tennis team and my 1st year as a reporter.

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