Chemistry Flips Classroom Activities
Thomas Caira (10) and Seth Freshman (10) get out of the class room for a new scavenger hunt activity
An OHS teacher has decided to try out a new game with her students.
Science teacher Rebecca Dutcher discovered the idea of a “Fliphunt” on the Pinterest app. A Fliphunt is a scavenger hunt that utilizes the Flipgrid website. Dutcher experimented with this game on Aug. 27 and 29 with her first and fifth hours, AP Chemistry and Honors Chemistry, in Room 212.
The game makes students get up and move around while also exploring the curriculum of the course. Dutcher created tasks to engage the students and gave them the opportunity to show what they know through a recorded video response. Students can access these tasks on their chromebooks. Then, the students wander around the school to find the answers on pieces of paper.
“We go around the school to get examples of physical change, mixtures, compounds, and elements,” Ally Smith (10) said.
Students answer the questions on a recorded video with their chromebooks, using Flipgrid. Some things that students have to answer include finding numbers that relate to significant figures, creating chemistry haikus and some even instruct students to find and tell a staff member a chemistry-related positive comment. There are even some non-content related questions also, like tiger stripes of character questions.
Thomas Caira (10) said he thinks that this new game is different from usual curriculum activities, and that is what makes it interesting.
“I try to keep them moving so they stay focused,” said Dutcher, who also feels that this game assists in reminding her students of the proper hallway and building manners.

Hello! I’m Kaitlyn Blanton and I am a junior here at Oakville High School. This is my second year in newspaper and I hope to continue into my senior...