Introduction to Sports Medicine will be offered as a class next year at OHS. It will be the first time in seven years that a new P.E. class has been added, Girl’s Body Building being the last.
“Coach Brett Lieberoff got the idea from his brother who works at Webster Groves High school and wanted to offer it here,” said Coach Linda Gebauer. “I think it’s a great idea.”
Introduction to Sports Medicine will be hands on, allowing students to be certified in first aid and C.P.R. The fee for the class is $25 and will offer activities such as learning how to tape and wrap injuries along with topics such as sports nutrition, health, bones, muscles, tendons, injuries, and ligaments. There will also be opportunities for students to shadow mentors at games.
If there are enough students interested in signing up for Introduction to Sports Medicine, OHS will offer an advanced version of the class. The class will be offered to anyone who passed health with a C or better.
“It’s a great doorway for anyone interested in being a coach or sports therapist,” Coach Lieberoff said.