Last year, one OHS English class was privileged with a set of laptops to use during class. In the upcoming school year, the school district is bumping the number of classes to eight.
English teacher Mrs. Tracy Krysl used laptops in her class last year. She also saw a change in her class from switching from paper to digital.
“Students were more prepared for class, did not lose notes or assignments nearly as often, and were generally more engaged during class time,” Krysl said.
This year eight classes (two in each of the core classes) will be receiving laptops. Principal Jan Kellerman hopes that it will provide an easier way to interact with their teachers.
“In a perfect world it would eventually replace textbooks and provide students
and teachers with additional resources,” Kellerman said.
Starting with a pilot group, the district can determine any problems while
training the teachers properly according to Kellerman. She says that if the
pilot group has success, laptops eventually will be given to students by grade level. If the pilot group is successful, the school district might utilized the laptops with other grade levels.
“This laptop program is definitely a step in the right direction!” Krysl said.