Biomed students help train doctors
Photos by Tara Vogler.
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) and students enrolled in the Project Lead the Way biomedical sciences courses were provided with a unique learning opportunity. On Thursday, Jan. 28, St. Anthony’s Medical Center conducted an emergency readiness drill at their hospital to test the facility’s ability to respond to certain trauma cases.
“I thought it was a fun experience. It made me see how doctors have to work under pressure,” said Hunter Roth (11).
Students were provided with a script to act out an injury for the medical personnel. Following completion of the drill, students participated in a debriefing with medical personnel to help evaluate the efficiency of the Emergency Response team. There was an evaluator from the St. Anthony’s Medical Center at the site. The evaluator served as the student volunteer’s contact person if they had any questions on the scenario and even gave feedback to St. Anthony’s staff at the end of the drill.
“My scenario that I acted out was an 18 year old male with cuts to the back. The doctors performed a computerized technology (CT) scan and then I was good to go,” said Roth.
This drill gave students the chance to see how the life of a doctor really is during an emergency. This opportunity also educated doctors and nurses to improve the efficiency of a trauma center.

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