Speak for the silent, stand for the broken
In another act of giving back, Mike Smith is shown handing Jenna Pleimann (12) one of the hats he helped Vans shoe company create.
Tattooed on his body, “Speak for the Silent, Stand for the broken”, these are words that Mike Smith connects to deeply. Professional teenager and motivational speaker, Mike Smith, came to Oakville High School on Friday Jan 6.
By traveling to different schools, Smith’s goal is to share his life stories to help inspire kids to make a difference. He is widely respected around the world for his work and creation of nonprofits. OHS got involved through watching his inspirational videos (Harbor videos through Jostens) during ANP.
“I thought he was very inspirational and his speech really touched a lot of students. I think everyone got something out of it, I know I did,” Sarah Stinson (11) said.
Smith was very touching and inspirational throughout his whole speech. While sharing his personal actions, it encouraged students to think of ways they could take action rather than just dreaming and talking of how to make a change.
“The speech made me want to go out and help in anyway I can,” Stinson said.
In 2012, Smith created a non-profit called Skate For Change (SFC). SFC is dedicated to youth empowerment through skateboarding and helping communities through actions. SFC is now a worldwide organization that includes 80 chapters.
“I think it is really inspirational in what he has accomplished,” Harlee Nassif (10) said.
Smith connects with his viewers and fans on a personal level, adding humor and his own life details. He stands out and really pushes a powerful message towards teenagers.
“I feel like he was different than any other speaker because he connected more to our generation,” Shelby Hicks (12) said.
Throughout his journey, he has made a vast difference to help those need it most and lack a voice to make a change.

My name is McCall Phillips and I am a senior at OHS. This is my 3rd year playing on the tennis team and my 1st year as a reporter.