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Friday, March 28, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Avery Neal

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator

Hey all! I’m Avery Neal and I am a senior here at OHS. I’m the social media coordinator for Newspaper, Broadcast, and Yearbook and I’m an editor for both Yearbook and Newspaper. I plan on attending Mizzou for two years to pursue my dreams of becoming a journalist but then transfer to DMJX Educational Institute in Aarhus to continue my education as well as travel. COVID put a stop in most of the things I’m interested in, including Lacrosse and the many concerts I had planned for this year, but it has helped me develop a better relationship with my dog Zoey. This year will be an interesting one for all aspects of the journalism classes, but I am more than excited to see how this year will play out.

All content by Avery Neal
OHS Science teacher Daniel Wrangler gets his first Moderna vaccination shot at OHS' vaccination event

OHS holds vaccination event for MSD faculty

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
April 19, 2021
Even from the sidelines, Natalie Gang (12) and teammates anxiously watch OHS play Westminster on Oct. 22. Prior to this game, OHS let in no goals.

Field hockey dribbles to first round of state

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
October 28, 2020
Kayla Jackson (12), Eve Talarski (11), Courtney Doerr (12), Megan Blanchard (11),  Madelynn Turner (12), and Morgan Orr (12) pose for a picture with their gold certificates after receiving news they qualified for state.

FCCLA makes OHS history

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
February 11, 2020
Ibgragim Makhmudov (11) tackles his opponent at a Tri Match against McCluer at OHS on Jan. 5.

Wrestling ‘taps’ out first half of season

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
January 15, 2020
Allison Brennan (12) blocks the ball as the other team tries to go through her.

Field Hockey wraps up season

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
October 25, 2019
Lauren Carr (12) looking deep in the eyes of a ferret as her class mates look on.

ANP Seminars are back

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
October 24, 2019
Seniors Rylee Koenig, Riley Hicks, and Maddie Brutton exit the first house, Slaughterhouse.

Seniors experience Fright Fest early

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
October 15, 2019
Hannah Phelps (12), Taylor Phelps (9), Rylee Brawley (9), and Taylor Herrmann (11), pose before awards at National Baton Twirling Association’s USA/World Championship Competition

Tiger Twirlers Spin through Nationals

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
September 4, 2019
Ron Baechle OHS (class of 1977) also known as the Blues Towel Man getting ready to throw towels to the students in the back-toschool assembly

The Beginning of the 50 Year Celebration

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
August 23, 2019
Gabby McMurry (10) craddles the ball

Lacrosse returns for successful year

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
May 9, 2019

Golden Girls prepare for nationals

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
February 20, 2019
New health wall project that aims to break stereotypes.

Health project breaks stereotypes

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator
February 7, 2019
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Avery Neal