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Monday, March 31, 2025

The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Trapped in ANP

Sabatino Beganovic, Reporter October 30, 2024

OHS implemented a new responsive scheduling system during ANP this year.  Unlike in years past where students could travel wherever they needed to as long as they had a pass, this new system requires...

Students need ANP time

Serriah Brown, reporter December 20, 2019

For most of the semester, students at OHS have been having seminars during ANP, but not many students are thrilled about this decision.  Students have the opportunity during their ANP time to finish...

Lauren Carr (12) looking deep in the eyes of a ferret as her class mates look on.

ANP Seminars are back

Avery Neal, Social Media Coordinator October 24, 2019

English teacher and ANP (Academic Network Period) Coordinator Christy Mathews and other faculty have been hard at work with seminars.  “Seminars are a time when students can select an activity...

Mr. Nick Aboussie educates students in the first College-bound Athlete seminar on Oct. 12.

ANP receives new structure

Mac Cooper, Reporter October 12, 2018

Students are familiar with how ANP (Academic Network Period) works: kids go to their class and at 9:05, they can go to their teachers and get help, go the library or work on other school projects. But...

Madi Strohm (12) flips through her notes in Mrs. Quesenberry's ANP as she works on her homework on Feb. 14.

ANP is important and valued

Christina Meier, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2018

ANP is going to change. This is what faculty, students, and parents have been hearing over the past couple of months. Soon, we will find out what the future of ANP (Academic Networking Period) will...

Blake Dillow, Amy Kaznica, and Iain Bennett pose for a picture at the LEAD conference.

NHS LEADs the way to Chicago

Sierra Hunter, editor in chief February 24, 2016

National Honor Society (NHS) officers and their sponsors ventured to Chicago for the Leadership Experience and Development (LEAD) Conference on Valentine's Day weekend. Various schools from countries...

OHS Seniors Fight For Privileges

OHS Seniors Fight For Privileges

Sophie Seim, Centerspread Editor September 1, 2014

Last school year, OHS students lost their ANP privileges due to misuse and behavioral issues. However, some students felt as if they did not deserve to get their privileges taken away. Last year, seniors,...

No stress studying

Alexandra Jost, Reporter November 13, 2013

Have you ever heard “Wait, we have a test?!” Most likely that person did not use good study skills. If a student follows these study skills, this situation should not happen as frequently. Multiple...

Tiger Time replaces DEAR

Megan Haislar, Editor-in-Chief September 3, 2013

Each school year brings something new, from new students to new classes, and now, a new Academic Networking Period program. Last year, a committee comprised of both teachers and students met to discuss...

Brand new student advisory board is created at OHS

Brand new student advisory board is created at OHS

Mikayla Putz, Entertainment/Profiles Editor September 17, 2012

A new student advisory program is sweeping across OHS. Similar to the OHS faculty board, the student group will be made up by a group of students who are chosen by their Academic Networking Period (ANP)...

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