Seniors dance for redemption

On Wednesday, October 16 while freshmen stayed in their ANP’s, sophomores took the Plan test, and juniors took the PSAT, seniors gathered in the gym for their panorama picture, and a presentation over cap and gown.

After the presentation senior class president, Kelly Ries, and student body president, Abby Bergman, spoke about upcoming things for seniors, and then everyone was free to sit and talk with their friends, while music played throughout the gym.

The senior powderpuff boys still had hostile feelings about the punishment of taking away the fall pep assembly, so during their time in the gym they finally got to preform. Once the music started playing they all went into the middle of the gym and were finally able to show their class their moves. Ryan Killoren(12), “I feel like it’s something we had to do, it’s a tradition and we worked really hard on it”.

Following the powderpuff dance, the senior class proceeded to do group dances together such as, The Wobble, Cupid Shuffle, The Cha Cha Slide, and many others. Multiple seniors that participated felt it helped bring the class together as one. Mariah Brooks said, “I thought that it was a bonding experience for our class. Everyone seemed like they were having a good time”.

This very spirited 2014 class will most likely have many more moments like this one throughout the year.