Band marches to third place at Tiger Ambush Classic
Drum majors Ben Lanier (11), Carley Hopkins (12), and Kayla Cormack (12) hold the trophy with sophomore color guard captain Andrew Blanchette.
The OHS band placed third out of 29 schools and the guard placed second overall at the Tiger Ambush Classic at Edwardsville High School on Sept. 21.
The band competed in the 4A class, the highest class of the competition.
“I thought it went well. A little bit hectic,” said drum major Carley Hopkins (12). “All in all, it worked itself out.”
O’Fallon Township placed first with a score of 79.15 and Granite City placed second at 73.2. The OHS band placed third at of 71.8.
“We definitely improved a lot from our last competition,” said baritone section leader Addie Kettenbrink (11). “It was a pretty strong performance. We had some weak spots in part three, but overall it was solid.”
However, due to some setbacks, the band was not able to perform their whole show.
“For some of part three we did a ‘park and bark,’ which is where we just stand there and play,” said Kettenbrink.
Despite not performing the whole show, the color guard was also able to score high and earn second place with a score of 70.
Guard and visual instructor Mr. Zachary Barber said, “I think that the guard has been working really hard and they’ve been pushing through a lot of obstacles this season.”
The band will head to BOA (Bands of America) in Ohio on Sept. 27 to compete in a national competition.
“I think it’s a great opportunity for all of the performers to be able to see what they can aspire to be like,” said Barber. “I just want the kids to be able to leave the field after their last show and know that everything they worked for has accumulated into one show they can feel good about.”

Hello! I’m Cassandra Ludwig, I’m a senior and will be the webmaster for myOHSonline this year. This is my third year on the newspaper staff and second...
Christina Meier • Sep 28, 2019 at 5:09 pm
Great story Cass!!